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The Maty's Way

Our Beliefs

Maty’s began with a mother on a mission to create healthier alternatives to modern medicine. Our mission today remains the same: to provide you and your family with relief you can trust. Become a part of the Maty’s story and join us on the journey to rethink your medicine cabinet.

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What People are Saying

"My kids don’t even know it’s in there! Now we use it daily because this is much easier than trying to fight them!"


“Maty’s Baby Chest Rub has been an essential part of our bedtime routine. The lavender and chamomile help bring on peaceful sleep. I love that it’s petroleum and menthol free.”


"As a pharmacist, I recommend Maty's cough products to my patients regularly. They take all the guesswork out of choosing the right products for your family."


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